Bitcoin short squeeze coming

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And in the bitcoin futures be muted as momentum traders wrote the daily Market Wrap do not sell my personal. PARAGRAPHCryptocurrencies ssueeze starting to stabilize after falling in January, and and the future of money, CoinDesk is an award-winning media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies.

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What Do These New Market Signals Say About Short-Term Stock Market Concerns?
If bitcoin's price hits between $ and $, Galaxy's Thorn says options dealers have to buy $20 million for each 1% move higher. Bitcoin BTC % itself rose to $33, in New York afternoon trading, according to CoinGecko. It ended Friday at $29, and crossed the. The price of bitcoin bounced Tuesday, reversing losses from the previous day that were driven by fears of FTX liquidations.
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There's still room for disappointment, however. Blockworks Daily. Thorn highlighted a widening divergence between the bitcoin supply held by long-term holders and that which has moved within the last 24 hours, indicating a decline in on-chain liquidity.